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"Tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers......" Shakespeare.


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Welcome to my blog. I live in the UK, I'm 23 and have a huge passion for baking. Thanks for stopping by!


I received a Happy 101 award from Baking Monster!

A few of my favourite blogs ▼

Pink Parsley's blog:

Pink Parsley

Tanja's Cupcakes:

The Sisters Cafe:

Allister Bee:

Creations by Kara:

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Rainbow Cake

Recently, a friend and colleague of mine turned 22. She had a birthday barbecue to celebrate the occasion and I decided to make her a birthday cake. She told me that she likes the colour purple so I decided to make what looked like a basic birthday cake, iced purple. Inside however, I thought I'd make it extra special by baking a rainbow sponge!

I made four rainbow sponges by dividing a basic sponge mixture between five bowls and colouring each one a different colour. Then I blobbed spoonfuls of mixture into the cake pans until covered.


Tanja said...

This cake is even more awesome than the usual rainbow cakes. And that's a whole lot of awesomeness.

If I got one I would think I'm living in a cartoon or something :D

shahana said...

Now only i got a chance to visit your blog.Thanks for your lovely comment on my space.
You got awonderful space with alot of tempting recipes.Lovely! Im gfollowing you....

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Scrapping elementos: Deliciouscraps©