Welcome to my yummy blog!

"Tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers......" Shakespeare.


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Welcome to my blog. I live in the UK, I'm 23 and have a huge passion for baking. Thanks for stopping by!


I received a Happy 101 award from Baking Monster!

A few of my favourite blogs ▼

Pink Parsley's blog:

Pink Parsley

Tanja's Cupcakes:

The Sisters Cafe:

Allister Bee:

Creations by Kara:

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

30th Birthday Cake

One of my best friends in the whole world turned 30 last friday. To celebrate, she threw a fancy dress party and left me in charge of baking her a cake, the only stipulation being that it was very girly. I'm fairly...

Peanut Butter Fudge

For anybody who claims to be a fan of peanut butter, this recipe is a MUST try. It's delicious - and I don't even like peanut butter that much. Apparently it can be made with Nutella also, which I plan to try...

Cocoa Cookies

I sit next to a lovely woman at work who has an equally lovely 5 year old. Said lovely woman brought a cookie into work for me a few months back. The lovely 5 year old apparently found it slightly too chocolatey,...

80th Birthday Cake

No recipe to post here, I just wanted to share my creation with you. A lady at work asked me to bake her Father an 80th birthday cake. At this point in time, I had only baked one cake previously so needless to...

Fudgey Chocolate Brownies

I've never met a single person who dislikes brownies, and I'm willing to bet that anybody who does is probably miserable, surly and eats cauliflower for fun. This is a Jamie Oliver Recipe. Not usually a big fan...

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Red Pesto - Salmon Kebabs

There has been a recent bout of lovely warm weather in the UK. BBQs have been dusted off, punch bowls filled and flip flips donned. For all you BBQ lovers, who still want to remain healthy (or perhaps just allow...

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Dreamy White Cupcakes

Ode to a cupcakeBeautiful cupcake your silky white frosting swirls like flower petals I want to eat you Your mushroom top and your delightful little stump makes my mouth water I’m going to eat you Cupcake you’re...

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Pancake Day - Butterscotch Sauce

In the UK yesterday, we celebrated Pancake Day. Lots of lemons were bought, and pancake races were held up and down the country. My husband and I had pancakes for breakfast, and we decided to break from the traditional...

Monday, 3 January 2011

One Little Word

Only three days of 2011 have passed, and already Christmas feels miles behind us. In the spirit of a fresh, new year, several bloggers have inspired me to take part in Ali Edwards One Little Word. Just a single...

Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year - Chocolate Marshmallow Cake

My in-laws are throwing a new year's eve party tonight, and I offered to bake something sweet for their guests. I decided on making a chocolate marshmallow cake because it's sweet, chocolatey and doesn't contain...

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Lemon and Strawberry Hearts

Perhaps these little treats are too summery for this time of year, but they're so dinky and light I can't resist knocking up a batch whenever I have some cream that needs using up. Cream usually needs to be used...

Monday, 13 December 2010

One Ham: Three Meals

My Nan is spending Christmas in snowy Scotland, so before she leaves town I decided to invite her over for dinner. Her favourite meat is baked ham, so I bought a large 3kg joint (knowing that I would be able to...

Sausage and Red Onion Swirly Whirlies

The weather has turned cold and it's really put me in the mood for warm, comforting food. However the long, dark evenings have rendered me far too lazy to want to fiddle around in the kitchen for hours, preparing...

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Raspberry Creme Patissiere Flan

This recipe is perfect if you need to make a quick dessert but you're feeling a bit lazy. It doesn't require much effort and is stilll yummy! I used a shop bought flan case (lazy as I am) and filled it with home...

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! All my blogger friends are invited to my virtual Halloween party over at the Bakezilla household. We've been cooking up a storm! Why not try one of these delightful Graveyard Cupcakes..... ....Or...

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Scrapping elementos: Deliciouscraps©